January 12, 2007

Fire - Session 4

Learning Intention:
· To work as part of a group, contributing and sharing ideas.
· To participate in drama activities, continue to create and sustain roles (within our frame)
· To consider the personal qualities of fire-fighters.

Steps within session:
· Use Luke’s example of turning the fire hydrant in stages: 1, Awareness of weight of the hose; 2, Point the hose in the direction of the fire; 3, What is going through our minds? I wonder…; 4, I hope…; 5, Water begins to flow…focus on task in hand. Establish that we must be the sort of people that are prepared to take risks to save others and that life is valued.

Links with other curriculum work:
Review of session:

· “Imagine we’ve just stepped out of the engine on a shout. Look at the building that is burning (all turned to look!). See the flames licking out of the windows and roof. Let’s get the hoses ready. Who’s working with whom?” The children got into 2’s and 3’s and picked up their hoses and began squirting, as 5 year olds would. I slowed them down and explained that I was turning the water hydrant; it was going to take 5 turns. As I made the 2nd turn, we became aware of the weight of the hose and adopted a balanced stance. On the 2nd turn we directed our hoses towards the fire and readied ourselves for the powerful jet of the water. On the 3rd turn I asked “I wonder what each of us is thinking as we look at the flames in the building…” I was so impressed with the thoughtfulness of their responses – the slowing down had a real impact on giving them time to think. The responses included ‘I wonder if the fire will spread to the other buildings.’ ‘I wonder if the building will collapse.’ ‘I wonder if there will be an explosion.’ ‘I wonder if there are people asleep inside.’ I reiterated what each child said, conveying the seriousness/gravity of the situation in my tone of voice. For the children there was a shift and this suddenly became serious business. I was really impressed with the maturity they showed. The shy children based their ideas on ones that had already been suggested by the more confident. All were valued. Significant acheivements for 5 of the class, as they gave very thoughtful responses and it was the first time they had confidence to share ideas in front of everyone. Every single child was there at that moment. WOW! On the 4th turn I asked “I wonder if you are hoping anything…” Again amazing responses: ‘I hope we put the fire out.’ ‘I hope we get the people out safely.’ ‘I hope the water will come soon.’ ‘I hope no-one is hurt’. On the 5th turn they fixed their eyes on their aim. We had a well deserved break, as it was quite an intense session, but what an amazing one! In their weekly diaries to their parents, a lot of the children commented on this particular activity as being one of their favourite. I just wished I had videoed it aaarrrrgh! Hindsight!!!!

Additional curriculum coverage:
· How do you explain the depth of this work!!!! This goes way beyond the National Curriculum content! Never doubt the abilities of 5/6 year olds!

Ideas for next moves:
· Continue with pages for educational brochure – Literacy sessions – labelling equipment.

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